The bun of her hair was immaculately done. She put thru her spotless and freshly pressed white uniform. And she picked up her nursing kit and dashed her way out to the waiting taxi.That was some years ago. I don't know if she is to be the last to take nursing from us first degree cousins. Nursing was a boom around late 90's and graduating high schoolers was putting Bachelor of Science as first priority. Because of its demand, universities and colleges required a high aptitude or entrance exam result. Well, she has the lucky structure of a cerebrum, yes, so she got on it and became another Nightingale.
For today’s sake of celebrating teachers, let me get down my memory lane circa 1994. Ms. Florida Dao-ines was my grade 1 teacher in the then Kayan Community School. I thanked that I was bit of a reader so I was spared from her famed stick. Of course, my hearing wasn’t excused of her voice harping on the day’s if not yesterday’s lesson. Oh, I could see her small figure with her short curly hairdo passing by my grandparents’ place because she used to visit her brother on the next house. Ms. Dao-ines taught us room maintenance the organic way— scrub off graffiti on wooden desks with sandpaper tree leaves, sweep off dirt, whip the floor with banana leaves and finish it off with coconut husk. On my second year with my grandparents going as second grader, I had Teacher Jeaneth Juan. She was my first troop leader in GSP and Agadangan became a vivid memory of the Scout Movement. Enamored with her not-so-strict classroom bearing, my classmates and I were saddened when on...
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